ADSL Reconnector


ADSL Reconnector is a Windows application developed for monitoring your Belgacom Turbloline© ADSL connection.

Its features include:

System requirements

Current development status

As of 12th june 2000, the application has entered beta-testing for the features explained above.

Future versions will include more features, as you request them.

Beta testers wanted !

If you'd like to test-drive this application, please send a mail to with a subject containing "ADSL Reconnector", and specifying: I will not answer any mail that do not contain all of the information above!

Once again, for those who don't read everything:

I will not answer any mail that do not contain all of the information above!

Thanks !


The ADSL Reconnector remote client showing line status and the "Force reconnect" menu itme.

The ADSL Reconnector server application, showing line and TCP activity.

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